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Ingrown Toenail Discomfort: When Should I Seek Expert Care? Jan 17th, 2025

It starts as a burning discomfort. The soreness around your toenail eventually starts to spread and intensify. An ingrown toenail can seemingly hit you out of nowhere. But do you really need treatment? You might think an ingrown toenail will resolve on its own — and it just might —...

Heel Spur or Plantar Fasciitis? Dec 16th, 2024

Heel pain can strike at any time and be crippling, so it’s no wonder millions of Americans seek treatment for the condition each year. Without prompt care, underlying inflammation can worsen, affecting your mobility and quality of life.  At Aloha Foot and Ankle Associates, located in Mission Viejo, California, and...

5 Steps for Performing Your Own Diabetic Foot Check  Nov 2nd, 2024

If you’re one of the 38 million Americans with diabetes, foot care is essential for reducing your risk of problems like diabetic ulcers and diabetic neuropathy (nerve damage). Keeping your blood sugar within the optimal range is a great place to start, but regular foot inspections are equally important. At...

Beyond Foot Pain: 5 Ailments that Can Be Alleviated with Custom Orthotics Oct 21st, 2024

Foot pain is the worst. Sure, it’s uncomfortable, but without treatment, it can also keep you from work and other activities you love. Consider custom orthotics if you’re tired of living on the sidelines. These devices can help you get back on your feet and significantly improve your quality of...

Callus/corns Oct 17th, 2024

Calluses are found on weight-bearing areas of the feet, such as the heels or balls of the feet. Calluses are flat, broad areas of thickened skin with an undefined edge. They tend to be yellowish or grayish in color and cover a larger surface compared to corns. Calluses are usually...

Do I Need Surgery to Correct My Bunions? Sep 23rd, 2024

At first, a bunion is usually nothing more than an annoyance. You might not like the way that bony bump on the outside of your big toe looks, or you might notice that it rubs against specific shoes.  But those relatively minor inconveniences can grow as that misalignment in the...

Wounds Sep 16th, 2024

Wounds on the feet can come in all shapes and sizes, what started out as a small nick or simple scratch can become something much more problematic given the right circumstances. They may even become what is known as a chronic foot ulcer (which is just a fancy way of...

Telehealth: The Advantages of Telemedicine Sep 12th, 2024

The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered dramatic changes throughout everyday life — and in the medical community as well. Not only are providers across the country postponing elective procedures, but many are also encouraging people to avoid in-office appointments to reduce their risk of exposure to this highly contagious coronavirus.But what...

The Diabetic Foot and Wound Care: The Role of a Podiatrist Feb 17th, 2024

Diabetic wound care is a critical aspect of managing diabetes, as individuals with diabetes are more susceptible to foot complications. High blood sugar levels can lead to nerve damage and poor blood circulation, making the feet vulnerable to injuries that may go unnoticed. Something as seemingly minor as a blister...

Minimally Invasive Bunion Surgery Jan 19th, 2024

Minimally invasive bunion surgery is a cutting-edge solution for those with bunion deformities that are tired of pain, discomfort, and shoe struggles. The  postoperative journey is typically less involved than a traditional bunion surgery. This modern approach involves small incisions and promotes quicker recovery times and less visible scarring, allowing...

Laser Therapy to treat Fungal Toenails May 19th, 2023

Fungal toenails are a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide. The condition is caused by a fungal infection that affects the toenails, making them appear yellow, thickened, and brittle. While there are several treatments available for fungal toenails, laser therapy has been gaining popularity due to its effectiveness...

¿Ha notado algún ruido o chasquido proveniente de sus pies o tobillos cuando camina o corre? Dec 16th, 2022

El Ruido proveniente del pie o tobillo es una afección en que la que se siente una sensación de chasquido o escucha un sonido como tronarse los dedos cada vez que mueve las extremidades inferiores. La sensación de tronadura ocurre cuando un musculo o tendón (el tejido fuerte que conecta...

What Is Athlete's Foot? Nov 8th, 2022

Athlete's foot, or tinea pedis, is an infection of the skin along the feet that can be caused by a variety of different fungi. Although tinea pedis can affect any portion of the foot, the infection most often affects the space between the toes. Athlete's foot is typically characterized by...

Have you noticed any snapping sounds coming from your feet or ankle when you are walking or running? Oct 14th, 2022

Snapping in the foot or ankle is a condition in which you feel a snapping sensation or hear a popping sound in your foot when you move your lower extremities. The snapping sensation occurs when a muscle or tendon (the strong tissue that connects muscle to bone) moves over a...

¿Estas usando los zapatos correctos para tus pies? Sep 22nd, 2022

Si ha estado usando el mismo número de zapatos desde que tenía 20 años, es posible que no se dé cuenta de que sus pies pueden haber aumentado de tamaño. En promedio, la talla de su zapato puede aumentar de 1 a 1.5 tallas de zapatos en su vida. Muchos...

Are you Wearing the Correct Shoe Size? Aug 13th, 2022

If you have been wearing the same shoe size since your 20s, you might not realize that your feet may have increased in size. On average your shoe size can increase by 1 to 1.5 shoe sizes in your lifetime. Many factors can cause an increase in shoe size such as...

Good Footwear Jun 7th, 2022

The right shoe will do wonders: Cushions the Foot: The midsole is the main part of the shoe that provides cushioning. Surprisingly, shoes don't reduce the force that goes through the body all that much. However, they do increase the time taken for that force to apply, so the body...

¿Como sé si tengo verrugas plantares? May 9th, 2022

Un  crecimiento chico que se siente áspero en la parte inferior del pie y que puede ocurrir solo o en grupos. Un callo duro y grueso sobre los crecimientos. Sensibilidad o dolor cuando ejercita presión sobre el área afectada, como al caminar, y/o cuando oprime los lados de la deformación....

MLS Laser Therapy for Pain Apr 25th, 2022

The MLS or “Multi-Wave Locked System” delivers two synchronized wavelengths of laser light. One emission acts on inflammation while the other has pain-relieving effects. This therapy has been cleared by the FDA and is used for lower extremity conditions ranging from musculoskeletal issues (tendonitis, arthritis, trauma) to nerve pain. Laser...

¿Qué es el hongo en las uñas de los pies? Apr 22nd, 2022

Las uñas de los pies se ven afectadas con mas frecuencia que las uñas de las manos, ya que los dedos de los pies tienden a estar confinados en zapatos que suelen ser ambientes cálidos y húmedos. Los dermatofitos (un moho común) son el tipo más común de hongos que...

¿Qué es una lesión del tendón Peroneo? Apr 21st, 2022

¿Cómo se origina una lesión de los tendones peroneos? Las lesiones de los tendones peroneos pueden ocurrir de forma aguda o desarrollarse lentamente con el tiempo. Los deportes que involucran movimientos repetitivos del tobillo, como correr o el fútbol, son propensos de ese tipo de lesiones. Una fuerza fuerte o...

What is peroneal tendons injury? Mar 15th, 2022

There are three peroneal tendons: peroneus brevis, peroneus longus, and peroneus tertius. The lattermost is rarely injured. The other two tendons are more commonly injured during severe ankle sprain. How does a peroneal tendon injury occur?  Peroneal tendon injuries can happen acutely or develop slowly over time. Sports that involve...

Fungal Toenail Infections: The Ugly Truth Mar 10th, 2022

What is it?Fungal infection of the toenails (onychomycosis) is a common condition especially as people get older. It affects 1 out of 10 people overall. The toenails are more commonly affected than fingernails since your toes tend to be confined in shoes which are typically warm, moist environments. Dermatophytes (a...

¿Qué es un quiste de ganglio en los pies o tobillos? Jan 19th, 2022

El quiste ganglionar puede variar desde el tamaño de un grano de frijol hasta el tamaño de un limón grande. Puede que no causen dolor, pero pueden volverse dolorosos si presionan un nervio cercano. Dependiendo de la ubicación del quiste, puede causar irritación al usar calzados. Si su quiste de...

What is a ganglion cyst? Jan 17th, 2022

A ganglion cyst is a noncancerous fluid-filled mass. It tends to form near tendons or joints of the foot or ankle. They can also occur in the wrists or hands. They are typically round or oval in shape and are filled with a jelly-like fluid.  The size of a ganglion...

What I’ve Experienced As a Podiatric Medical Assistant Jan 3rd, 2022

Prior to joining Aloha Foot and Ankle as a medical assistant, I had no idea how essential podiatry was.I had little knowledge that there was a whole branch of medicine solely dedicated to the medical and surgical treatment of disorders of the foot, ankle, and lower extremity. After joining Aloha,...

¿Como me pueden ayudar las plantillas ortopédicas? Dec 21st, 2021

Hay ciertas áreas de sus pies donde tiende a tener más presión o incluso a formar un callo, las plantillas ortopédicas le ayudaran a reducir la presión en esa área -reduciendo la formación del callo. Son muchas las patologías del pie en las que las platillas ortopédicas será de ayuda....

How Can Orthotics Help Me? Nov 6th, 2021

Orthotics are devices that you can wear in your shoes to help place your feet in better anatomical alignment. This helps you function in a way that reduces stress and strain on your feet. Orthotics help support the arch and this in turn will help distribute the pressure more evenly...

Tratamiento Laser removedor de hongos de uñas Sep 15th, 2021

¿Cómo funciona el tratamiento con láser? Nuestros doctores en Aloha Foot and Ankle utilizan un láser Q-Switched NdYAG para tratar las infecciones por hongos en las uñas de los pies. En 3-10 mil millonésimas de segundo, los impulsos de energía láser de alta potencia pasan a través de la uña...

¿Que es un Juanete? Sep 3rd, 2021

Muchos factores pueden contribuir a formación de un juanete; puede ser, hereditario, ambiental, o inestabilidad estructural del pie. Estos casos son más altos en las mujeres vs. hombres (2:1) Síntomas Los síntomas, que se producen en el lugar del juanete, pueden incluir: Dolor o molestias Inflamación y enrojecimiento Una sensación...

What is a Bunion? Aug 17th, 2021

Many factors can contribute to the formation of a bunion; for instance, heredity, environmental, or structural instability of the foot. The incidence is higher in women vs men (2:1). Symptoms Symptoms occurring at the site of the bunion may include: Pain or soreness Inflammation and redness A burning sensation Possible...

Dedo en Martillo Jul 30th, 2021

Un dedo en martillo se forma cuando el tendón del lado de abajo (tendón flexor) se aprieta, que resulta en una contractura del dedo. Una Tenotomía Flexor es simple de realizar, es un procedimiento de muy bajo riesgo que puede corregir la deformidad del dedo en martillo. Puede realizarse en...

Fascitis Plantar Jul 27th, 2021

Se refiere a la fascia plantar de los pies que es un ligamento grueso que recorre todo el contorno de la base del pie. El Ligamento sirve para soporte der arco y también amortigua impactos hacia los pies. Una lesión o constante estrés hacia la fascia plantar puede causar una...

Flexor Tenotomy: A Quick Fix For A Hammertoe Jul 26th, 2021

A hammertoe can develop when the tendon on the underside of the toe (flexor tendon) tightens, resulting in contracture of the toe. A flexor tenotomy is a simple, low-risk procedure that can correct a hammertoe deformity. It can be performed in the office without the need for an incision. The...

Plantar Fasciitis Jun 29th, 2021

Plantar fasciitis is a common orthopedic pathology that affects more than 3 million people in the US per year. It involves the plantar fascia which is a thick ligament that runs across the bottom of the foot, from the toes to the heel bone. The ligament serves as a support...

Laser Therapy for Fungal Toenails May 27th, 2021

How does the laser treatment work? Our practice uses a Q-Switched NdYAG laser to treat fungal toenail infections. In 3-10 billionths of a second, impulses of high power laser energy pass through the nail to the nail bed and nail growth area with typically no damage  to the nail or...

¿Qué es una uña encarnada? May 9th, 2021

La uña  se penetra e irrita la piel del dedo, a menudo causa dolor, irritación, e inflamación. Si una uña enterrada causa ruptura de la piel, bacteria podría penetrar y causar una infección en el área. Lo que causa una uña enterrada: Trauma Usar zapatos que no sean de medida...

What Is An Ingrown Toenail? Apr 19th, 2021

What is an ingrown toenail? An ingrown toenail develops when the nail grows downward or curves into the skin. The nail digs in and irritates the skin, often causing pain, redness, and swelling. If an ingrown nail causes a break in the skin, bacteria can be introduced and cause an...

How Can Diabetes Affect Your Feet? Feb 27th, 2021

Diabetes can result in high glucose levels in the blood which can lead to a variety of complications throughout the body. It can damage the heart, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys, and nerves. Diabetes can also cause foot complications that, if not treated properly, can lead to necessary use of antibiotics,...

Como afecta la diabetes tus pies? Feb 9th, 2021

La diabetes puede causar complicaciones en tus pies, si no se tratan adecuadamente, puede ser causa de que empieces a usar antibióticos, hospitalización, y/o cirugía requiriendo una posible amputación de los dedos, pie, y hasta toda la pierna. Insuficiente Circulación La diabetes puede reducir la circulación de la sangre a...

How Do I Know If I Have Plantar Warts? Sep 22nd, 2020

It's not too hard to determine whether you have plantar warts because the signs and symptoms are easily recognizable. The most common ones tend to be: A small, rough-feeling growth on the bottom of the foot that can occur singly or in clusters. A hard, thick callus over the growth(s). ...