MLS Laser Therapy for Pain
The MLS or “Multi-Wave Locked System” delivers two synchronized wavelengths of laser light. One emission acts on inflammation while the other has pain-relieving effects. This therapy has been cleared by the FDA and is used for lower extremity conditions ranging from musculoskeletal issues (tendonitis, arthritis, trauma) to nerve pain. Laser therapy is a safe non-invasive modality also indicated in patients with acute and chronic pain.
Here are some commonly asked questions:
Q: How does it work?
A: The laser penetrates deeply into the tissue to accelerate and encourage cellular repair and growth while decreasing inflammation.
Q: What can I expect during treatment?
A: Therapy is painless. Treatment time can range from 7 to 10 minutes depending on the pathology.
Q: How many treatments are required?
A: Acute injuries such as an ankle sprain can be treated in as few as 6 sessions. More chronic conditions require at least 10 sessions.
Q: What are the benefits?
A: Rapid relief of pain, timely healing of sprains and strains, improvement of local blood circulation, improvement in swelling, decreasing the need for strong medications, and avoiding expensive surgeries.
If you're interested in learning more about the MLS laser therapy call today for an appointment at (949)364-2525.